
Create a new user » Create a new user

Create a new user

To create a new user you must be a Group Manager for at least one group.

From the My Account > My Users page you should be able to see a 'Create New User' button, similar to the one below which you should click on.

There you will be presented with a form where you can fill in the details of the user

The Username is the identification that the user will logon with. It must be unique, only contain alphanumeric values and greater than 4 characters long.

The Password will be checked each time the user logs onto the system. It must be greater than 4 characters long.

The Real Name of the user is used to welcome the user onto the site, as well as identifying them as a driver in journey reports.

The Email Address of the user is mandatory as it is used to remind the user of a forgotten password and to reset their account. Note we will not send unsolicited mail to any email addresses we have on record in accordance with our website privacy policy.

The Telephone Number and Fax Number of the is not mandatory, although it is useful if problems arise with a user account.

If the user is Active they can login and use the website. Setting a user as Inactive is useful for adding dummy drivers.

If you are a Group Manger for more than one group, you will have to make them a member of a group from the drop-down box. Note they can be added and removed from more groups later from the user admin pages.

Once your have filled in all the relevant information, Save will save any changes you have made, or report any errors if you have made a mistake. Reset will return all the values to their default before any changes were made, and Cancel will not save any changes and return you to your previous page.

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